Thursday, January 28, 2010

'twas the season - about a month ago

better late than never, righ? so, here is a random sampling of christmas pictures from both of the L-towns - littleton and logan. christian and i spent about 10 days in littleton with his family. then, after christmas we headed to logan to spend some time with my mom and dad.
santa left gifts found us in logan too!

grandpa and grandma sabey are as wonderful as they look!

christian and his brother made an amazing italian christmas dinner for the sabey family - gourmet cooking for 30. he knows what he is doing!

kids always make christmas more fun! soren and swede were no exception.

christian gave me themed gifts - things to keep me warm! i love my leopard skin snuggy. i feel so attractive in it! and, i was on the computer doing a little web cam with the fam. it was so much fun to get to see them on christmas day.

look at those pearly whites and lovely locks! two of the many reasons i like him so much.

santa brought us some lovely jingle bell earrings.

look mom -the wrapping paper matched my pajamas and earrings!

christmas eve at the lacouture's

christian making more italian delicacies.

a common occurence - the boys in the kitchen, cooking up delectable dinners.

what can i say, it was quite a christmas!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


i don't really feel like writing much today, but i thought i'd share some pictures. we stayed one night in breckenridge over the christmas break. it was like walking in a winterwonderland.*
*see top picture.