Monday, May 24, 2010

may showers bring june flowers?

mom and me

amy and danica creating a kim sandwich. did i mention, kim is our photographer? her photography is lovely, to say the least.

aunt kathy and...

two of her lovely daughters - holly and heather

emmy, sandy and aunt deb
synonomous to the weather in utah this spring, my life was showered with showers. i feel so blessed by so many wonderful people in my life. my aunt debbie threw a family shower for me. it was a month shower. i got all sorts of creative gifts. most of all, it was great to get together with my aunts and cousins. it is always a good time when the fam is around.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

double header

and the showers began....

some of the lovely ladies from my home ward. i've been so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful women who have influenced my life for good.

kristina, cindy and kelly - just showing us how to throw a shower. and, then there was nicole - she couldn't make it, but she made her presence known with her delectable sweet rolls! like i said, amazing women who have blessed my life for good.

the second shower - roomies, co-workers, friends, race buddies, etc.

great book. enough said.

lovely wrap job. thanks, kathy!

erika. need i say more?

angie - hostess #1 with clark at her feet, estee, kelly, me, erika and sandy, hostess #2 with emmy at her feet - what great friends i have.
the first saturday in may i was showered with showers. two in one day! it was so much fun to see so many of the women i love all in one day! first it was the neighborhood shower. then, the old roomies, co-workers and friends. did i mention how generous people are. i was just excited to see people, then they all brough me such thoughtful and useful gifts? well, they did.
p.s. sandy, if you are reading this, i'm hoping you got a picture of elaborate food display you and angie created. if you did, can you send me a copy? i'd love to share it on the blog. it looked like it came straight out of some stylish magazine.

Friday, May 14, 2010

showered with frogurt and other fun stuff

roomies - amy and bonnie

enzy and jessie

jules, courtney and jessie

kate and katie
i'm not going to lie, i don't have that many friends in slc. i don't mind. because the friends i do have are such good friends. most of them are transplants from logan. so, we've all been through a lot together - from new jobs, to broken hearts, double century bike rides and marathons, road trips, kissing the same boy, being roomies, crying, laughing and getting married. there is lots more, but i won't go into it all. needless to say, i've been blessed with friends who are consistently there for me. they are dear to me.
so, of course, they threw me a shower. we all got together at frogurt - something we make sure to fit into our schedules on a frequent basis. while there, we ate frozen yogurt, talked non-stop and they showered me with bridal gifts. i'm not going to tell you what they gave me. it's a secret.
love these girls!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

and many more, on channel 4...

happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to you....
happy biiiiiirrrrrtttttthhhhhddddaaaaayyyyy, dear chrisssss-chtian,
haaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyy birthday you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heidi, max and baby olivia making the birthday trifle.

me and the utah extension of the sabey family

basil anyone?

lots and lots of candles!
i'm just about a month late on this one. that is just kinda how my life has been going these days. i'm just a little off on everything. good thing everyone is really patient with me.
april 11, 2010 was christian's 33rd anniversary of life! our celebrations included making mini pizzas and eating trifle. oh, and we lit a lot of candles and sang really loud. i know a lot of people that are really grateful that christian was born, but i think i am the most gratefulest. he makes every day better, just by being a part of my life. oh, sweet...