Wednesday, June 29, 2011

green canyon is actually green this year

did i mention that i love spending time with christian? we took a little mtn. bike ride up green canyon last weekend. their was water running through the trail in at least 4 places. i thought we lived in a desert?!?! i've never seen water up green canyon...until now. it made for an adventure. christian would ride right through the water. i would generally hoist my bike on my shoulder and struggle through it on foot. however, on a couple of occasions i rode through the water, and boy, oh boy, it was exhilarating! i've loved riding bikes for a lot of years now. but, i just realized how much more fun it is to do something you love with the person you love. you can start gagging after that comment. i don't care. it's just the truth.

Friday, June 3, 2011


wicked, a dream for about 8 years, finally realized! and it WAS a dream come true. my mom was miracle worker who made this weekend happen. we laughed, cried and enjoyed being together. what a lovely mother i have!