Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"be a sunbeam"

i thought minnie was dressing hope up as a wreath for the christmas holiday.  that is, until she started saying, "be a sunbeam.  hopie, be a sunbeam"  hope does light up the room, so it makes sense that minnie would dress her up as a sunbeam to highlight this fact.  minnie's budding imagination never ceases to amazes me.  and, hope's willingness to play along with her sister's shenanigans increasingly impresses me each day.  they are both little rays of sunlight.  sunbeams, if you will.  


monkey business

she doesn't give up easily when wrestling with a stuffed monkey.  curious george may be on top in this picture, but hope ended up taking him down in the end.  her dad was impressed by her skills.