Thursday, February 27, 2014

christmas jammies

who doesn't love a great pair of christmas jammies?  grandma skillfully selects beautiful matching jammies each year for everyone at her house.  it's so fun to see everyone all dressed up in their pajama glory. 

christmas magic at papa and nana's

the innocence of children bring magic and wonder back to everything.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

christmas village

cousin besties wishing they could climb in the window scenes

rosy red cheeks

all bundled up in the freezing weather


oh what fun it was to go to the ogden christmas village.  we went with my parents and pete and katie's clan to see the lights, ride a little train and freeze our buns off.  it was great fun to watch the kids get excited about the lights and scenes.  the night was full of nostalgic memories for me because we used to go to the christmas village when i was young.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

all dressed up

i know it is february...but i am still going to post pictures of the girl's christmas dresses.  i'm just now catching my breath from our crazy january, and catching up from it in february.  documenting the last two months is going to happen because i want it to.  i wish i could take credit for the beautiful sparkly and plaid dresses the girls looked so cute in for christmas.  but, alas, as usual my mom gets the credit for finding and giving the girls their cute little outfits.  she loves to do it and we are grateful for it.  

more importantly than how cute they looked all dressed up for christmas, was the spirit we felt this holiday season.  having a sweet little baby, and a fun toddler over the holidays makes it so much more special.  minnie loved learning about mary, joseph and the  baby Jesus.  and, hope brought a spirit in to our home that no other child could.  as you'll see in more posts to come, we loved christmas.  being together as a family and with our extended family was so heartwarming.