princesses...minnie just can't get enough of them.
recently nana gave her a princess crown and a cinderella dress.
she was adorned in this apparel for three straight days.
on one of those days, she got in trouble.
christian gave her a time out. she got off of the time out chair
and defiantly declared, "princesses don't have time outs!"
turns out, at our house, princesses do have time outs.
it isn't enough for her to be a princess by herself,
minnie wants hope in on all this princess action.
its hope's modus operandi to comply with her big sister's ideas.
so...hope is a princess too.
while my back was turned, minnie shared her crown with hop.
i love her "am i really doing this?" expression.
minnie was insistent that hope wear her princess aurora dress.
for those of you who aren't well versed on your princesses,
aurora is sleeping beauty, the princess who wears pink.
as i was trying to get a picture of them, i would say, "hope!"
to try and get her attention. every time i would call out to hope,
minnie would insist, "she is aurora, not hope!"
the north logan library had a frozen party.
anna and elsa told their story and sang.
there was a game where the kids stuck their hand
in a bucket of ice water to grab a toy.
most importantly, they had a meet-and-greet with elsa and anna.
minnie was beside herself. she ran up to anna and hugged her
without any hesitation. i picked her up to go and she yelled out,
"anna!" and waved goodbye to her with everything she had.
i'm not sure where this love of princesses originated from,
but i figure we'll just work to temper it with
toys like goldie blox, legos, etc.
i figure there isn't any harm in minnie liking princesses,
as long as she has exposure to other things as well.
and, as long as she learns that princesses do get time outs when
they misbehave, princesses will be involved in helping with chores
and princesses can do hard things.