Thursday, April 2, 2009


so, i am sick. i have some sort of bronchial viral deal - a cough, fatigue, congestion - you know the drill. there are a couple of cool things about it all. let me just name them:
  • it has been a snowy week. it would have been kind of hard to figure out what to do for exercise this week because all i want to do is bike, but with the weather like this, biking is pretty rough. cool thing is, i don't have energy to exercise this week anyway. problem solved.
  • i work from home. work is still work, but i can feel like crud and look like crud and it isn't near as obvious as if i was having to go to "the office" each day.
  • my voice is a little raspy, which i think might be kind of attractive to all the men i talk to.
  • i am reminded that i don't get sick very often. in fact, the last time i threw up was when i was in the 9th grade. pretty radical, eh?

don't worry, i am going to kick this thing soon. until then, i have a lot to be grateful for. don't ya think?

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Why yes..... I do think!