Friday, June 12, 2009

greener pastures

as i was riding the little red riding hood century in cache valley last weekend i looked around and couldn't help soaking in the beauty of the valley. the air was so clean and the pastures so green. i began longing to road ride on a daily basis in such a picturesque place. as i began aching to be back in the place i call home, i suddenly realized that although, literally speaking there are greener pastures in cache valley...

figuratively speaking, there are far greener pastures for me elsewhere...

and i was reminded how grateful i am to be in the lovely slc.


the hipps said...

I think I understand what you're saying, but we'd sure take ya back!

Stacie said...


utahmigs said...

Erin you look so dang cute and happy! Are you getting skinnier?

JeAnna said...
