Tuesday, October 13, 2009


it was a lovely saturday morning, and the loveliest part - i was watching the st. george marathon and not running it. christian ran his first marathon on oct. 3, 2009. he did sooooo good. i went up snow canyon to see him at mile 17. i was so impressed. he was running along like he had just started. he was ahead of schedule. i tried taking pictures, but he was running by like a bolt of lightning and i didn't get any good shots of him.

after i saw him run by and hooped and hollered things like, "focus on the finish line!" i headed back down to the finish line. the whole way down i was fretting that i wasn't going to make it to see him finish. i was also really worried about how he was feeling and doing. the last 6 miles of a marathon are generally rather grueling. i kept thinking, "there is nothing i can do to help him." then i kept thinking, "he trained hard. he will be fine." all i could do was pray that his training would pay off, he would feel good, and make his goal. i had a glimpse of what my parents must have felt as they have supported me in different races. i appreciate, in an even greater way, the support they have and continue to show for me and my crazy ideas and endeavors.

i made it to the finish line and found a spot on the bleachers. i was pretty emotional as i watched people cross. then, all of a sudden, there christian was. i started cheering really loud and looking rather foolish. i tried taking a picture, and was yet again, unsuccessful. it didn't matter though. christian was successful and that was what the race was about. did i mention that he did an amazing job? his time was 3 hours and 34 minutes. can you say speedy gonzales?

26.2 - what an accomplishment! after the race we fed ourselves both physically and spiritually. in-n-out and general conference were the perfect mix of goodness. we have done a lot of sitting around since the 26.2. i've enjoyed every minute of it.
and thus it is, the end of our summer of training and the end of our epic events. for now...


melissa said...

Go Christian!! That's awesome!!
more great thoughts. insightful, probably how we'll all feel after running this *race of life.* :)

Erika said...

erin- ummmmmmmmmmmm. . . it looks as though we need to chat. Give me a call sometime when you get a minute. I love you and your life!

Stacie said...

Congrats C-dogg. That is so great. I can't believe he ran it that fast. (not that I thought he was a slow runner or anything). and Er, you are a great supporter.

Nate and Katie Hipp said...

Wow, that's fast! Congrats! Enjoy not training for a while, it's so nice after something like that huh!?

Whitney said...

awe you two are so cute i don't know what to do with myself! look at you being the little support bug while christian rocked it. and to think he was your rock when you did your race. i think this pretty much is the greatest match ever! i love you erin! you look beautiful. right at home cheering him on!

Whitney said...

ps- he was so close to qualifying for boston marathon. the whole time i kept thinking, maybe he qualified and they would come out here to visit us!!! he was super duper fast.