Friday, October 29, 2010

i miss the rain down in africa

it rained quite a bit when we were in africa. we got in on some great weather. from what i hear, the heat can be suffocating, but when we where there, it was quite pleasant. here are a few pictures from our adventures in ghana. more to come.

batik workshop - we used wax, dye and boiling water to print cloth. when i say "we", i mean our friends at the batik shop. they did most of the work, but let us feel like we were contributing.

learning about weaving at the kente village

the slave castle - a sobering experience

standing inside a ficus tree at the monkey sanctuary

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


i have a friend names jeanna. jeanna posted the following comment on my last post:

Blogger JeAnna said...
I don't believe that summer pics are coming.
It is almost November.
October 17, 2010 3:27 PM

she has a good point. i promised summer pics were coming, and it is almost november. wow. i'm slow. i figure i've always been slow though. i'm more about endurance than speed. right?!?! i figured i better keep my word though. "summer pics coming soon..." i thought i'd post a few. we had plenty going on - a wedding, a honeymoon, africa, montana. i decided i'd post at least a couple. i signed in to the blog, opened up a new post page and this is what i saw:

Image uploads will be disabled for two hours due to maintenance at 5:00PM PDT Wednesday, Oct. 20th.

now, i know it is a lame excuse, but i can't post pics, even though i want to. i'd like to think that i'm a solution-based person. because of this, i came up with a little solution. kim, our lovely photographer, just posted some of our wedding pics to her blog. they are simply divine. take a look at them:

enjoy! i do. all the time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

honorable mention

okay, summer adventure pics are coming. i promise. okay. i promise.

but, i wanted to be sure and finish out with all the lovely people who made the moving parts of our wedding come together. last but not least - dad and mom. they were just amazing. ever heard of milkglass? the second i mentioned it, my mom started looking in every antique store and d.i. from logan to salt lake to find the stuff. in fact, she is still finding it. ask her about the cute cake stand she found for $1 at a yard sale. my dad did what we asked, when we asked, no questions asked. then, when i'd be ready to crash, they'd swoop in and save the day. it is important to note, that the wedding is one aspect of all they have done for me. my whole life has been filled with my mom and dad loving me unconditionally and teaching me the most important lessons of life through examples. so, the honorable mention goes to....danny and terry petersen - the best mom and dad in the whole wide world.