Thursday, November 4, 2010

"great date night with my hubby!"

a few saturdays ago, i came home later in the evening from grocery shopping. i was pretty sick of the grocery store and glad to be home, especially because christian was home. he could tell i was tired. he looked at me and said something about appreciating what i do for him. (side note - he is good at that whole gratitude thing.) then he proceeded to tell me that he was sorry we hadn't been on a date in awhile. he said he often sees status updates on facebook that say, "great date night with my hubby!" he was concerned about the fact that i didn't have any "great date nights with the hubby" to share. he was worried that i might be feeling like ever since we got married we were boring and didn't do anything. i proceeded to remind him:

1) even if we were going on all kinds of adventurous dates, i probably wouldn't post it on the fb for everyone to see - not that it is bad to have status updates, just that i don't post status updates all that often
2) we don't have to do anything crazy for me to think it is fun - i mean, most of our dating experiences consisted of sitting on the couch watching food network shows or project runway because i was battling headaches

so, that night we drove up the road to the 7-11 and got a slurpee for our date night. fun and fun. i almost posted "great date night with my hubby!" on facebook to make christian feel better about things. i told him i'd let the world of facebook know that he is a wonderful husband if he really wanted. he declined. then he proceeded to tell me that he wouldn't mind if during our whole eternity of marriage i didn't call him "hubby" or "my hubby". it isn't his favorite term of endearment. so, i plan on not ever calling him "hubby". other than in this post.

the next saturday, my hubby took me on a great date night. we went to the opera. la boehme, a love story, was our opera of choice. he had been wanting to see that opera for years - ever since his mission, i think. it was a lovely evening filled with beautiful voices, an almost non-existent plot, and enlightening companionship. because we were early, we had the chance of walking around the block of the capitol theater. we reminisced about one of our first dates where we walked around the same block because the wait for beni hana was pretty long. it was fun to remember all the great date nights i've had with christian, and look forward to all or future dates. here's to my wonderful hubby and all our great date nights!


Stacie said...

That is awesome. I love the 7-11 date night especially! So cute.

Erika said...

Erin- I miss you! I am so glad to see all your adventures. I need to hear all about them and talk to you. I am pretty sure I am it in our phone tag so I will keep trying. Love you and your cute "hubby"! Just wait until kids come into the picture. . . date night becomes especially important and appreciated :)

Rachel said...

haha you're funny - i don't really like the term "hubby" either. or too many crazy pet names for that matter. and i always see people's status say "i have the best husband in the world because ______________!" i just don't think i could ever bring myself to do that. not that i don't think that, or think it's great that people have happy marriages - but i feel that it would embarrass both of us!

Whitney said...

so funny because when i was reading this, i thought, i don't really see erin calling christian her "hubby". and then i got to the part where you said you wouldn't call him that! haha, i love it. what a great husband christian is!