Friday, April 15, 2011

and, she cries. again....


i read this today.

turns out, i cried when i read the last paragraph.

kind of an odd emotional response. i know. it happens sometimes, okay.

i just couldn't help thinking about my experience as a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. i thought about how grateful i am that my parents were so willing to pay to send me to a foreign land, to learn the most important of life's lessons.

i also couldn't help thinking about my in-laws, mel and sandy, (president and sister sabey) who have spent the last three years of their lives serving and loving the people of ghana. with that, they have also been instrumental in helping the missionaries in ghana learn the most important of life's lessons.

*confession - i borrowed this article from the blog of rachel sabey, my lovely asian sister-in-law. love me some asians!

ps - for those who don't know, that foreign land served my mission was the land of formosa. it only makes sense that i love asians.

1 comment:

utahmigs said...

When I read the headline of this post it made me think of when Christian told us that he was thinking of getting spam guard against mormon ads, since they make you cry. hahaha! Now that's true love ;) I miss you!