Wednesday, May 23, 2012

crazy hair day

christian was at an elementary school observing a class.  he was sitting by a young kid in a reading group.  the room was quiet because all the kids were reading to themselves.  the kid he was sitting by looked up christian and broke the silence, "is everyday crazy hair day for you?"  christian's response, "yeah...i guess so."  more words of wisdom came out of the kid's mouth, "why don't you try and comb it down or something?"  maybe we'll start using the flat iron on christian's hair so he doesn't get made fun of when he is at the elementary school.


Casper said...

I almost died laughing.

Emma said...

laughed out loud... but really

Rachel said...

the kids I watch had crazy hair day this week! I guess not nearly as crazy as Christian's

Jennie Kunz said...

HA HA HA HA!!! That's the best! Love little kids!