Monday, January 14, 2013

our little surprise

we added a stocking to the mantle, because come july,
minnie is going to be a big sister!


Jennie Kunz said...

AHHHHH!!!! Exciting!! Hope you are feeling AWESOME!! :-) Can't wait to meet this new little one! Love you!

Katie said...

Woo hoo!! I'm so excited for you guys! That little Minnie is going to be a great big sis. :)

JeAnna said...

Ah, how wonderful.

But, um, I am pretty sure putting your child in a bumbo ON a stove IN a fireplace is not an approved use of that product. You of all people, Erin. Tsk, tsk.

Suzette Willmore said...

how exciting for your family! how far apart will your kiddies be? minnie must be anxious for a little brother or sister.....

Kade and Katie said...

erin!!! that is so exciting! little minnie a big sister....she is going to love it. and so will you! love you friend. hope to see you again soon.

Brett & Hailey Cahoon said...

Yaay! I love babies!

Brett & Hailey Cahoon said...

Yaay for babies!