Tuesday, October 21, 2014

gummy bears in ice cream?

what kid doesn't want cotton candy ice cream with gummy bears?
i know when i was a kid, this kind of thing made all my dreams come true.
i am not such a fan of this kind of concoction anymore, but for any reasons, i 
love that minnie things gummy bears in ice cream is the best choice. 
the most meaningful reason?  because when christian and i were dating
he got gummy bears in his ice cream.  i was baffled.  i couldn't imagine that 
a grown man would enjoy gummy bears in ice cream.  but, he did.  he thought it 
best thing ever just like minnie thinks now.  minnie is a lot like her dad, 
gummy bears in ice cream is just the tip of the iceberg.  
they love gummy bears, and i love them! 

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