now there are other kinds of lists that i love. when i have lots of things to do, i like to write them down and check them off. it helps with me organize this crazy head of mine. there is also a real sense of gratification in marking something off of a list.
there is another kind of list that i love, it is the kind of list that i have in my phone. i have pages of lists to help me remember things. it all started with the movie list. every time i decide it is time to rent a movie, i get so confused. it seems i can can always think of movies i'd like to watch, except when it is time to rent a movie. whenever i am at blockbuster or hollywood video, i walk up and down the isles dumbfounded, not knowing what movies to rent. the solution to this problem, a list of movies in the phone. i'd like to share my list with you all, and if you have anything to add you can just let me know. please note, these movies mostly came from recommendations:
- hotel rwanda
- penelope
- west side story
- confessions of a shopaholic
- the secret life of bees
- gone with the wind
- pursuit of happyness
- dave
- steve prefontaine movie
- romeo and juliet
- o' brother where art thou
- the horse whisper
- steve prefontaine movie
then, there is the list of places to eat:
- red iguana
- ruth's diner
- sun and moon cafe
- rino's
- benihana
- naked fish
- east west connection
- mac cools
- mazza
- bombay house
- himalayan kitchen
- litza's pizza
- porcupine grill
one of my favorite lists is my list of gift ideas. it makes shopping for gifts alot easier. for obvious reasons, i am not going to post that list. however, if you have something you'd like me to add to that list, feel free to let me know. disclaimer - i recognize that it is a bit hypocritical to not like the christmas wish lists that my mom passes out, and then ask for you all to add to wish lists i have for each of you. what can i say - i have some work to do.
i love my lists, lists, lists. maybe i should start creating a list of my lists, or maybe not...
Have you seen the movie Amazing Grace? If not,you should for sure add it. And you should put on your to-do list "Go to st george to run and ride with steph". That's all i want for Christmas :)
and you should also put on your list, come to San Fran to visit Stacie and bring the bike too. Hee Hee. oh and stop and pick up Steph on the way. Even though it's not on the way :-)
You can check of Litza's Pizza! :D You could add Blue Plate Diner to your list. That's some good eats.
dear cousin,
last night (thanksgiving night) derrick was watching a basketball game and all the announcers talked about was TRYPTOPHAN (sorry for the spelling if its wrong). haha We thought it was so funny. and I had to tell you. thanks for the great thanksgiving! it was fun to see you!
i love the movie penelope and the secret life of bees so i am glad you put those on there. penelope is so clean and adorable! the secret life of bees as you know is one of my favorite books and the movie really follows the book.
also have you seen dan in real life? if not, definitely add it! i love it- the soundtrack is awesome too. julie and julia is great too. who doesn't love julia child!
and on my wish list is seeing you! i wish i could see my little er-bear. you are so cute as a button. i looked at the picture below of you and christian and thought, elder holland is so right! she is so cute and beautiful. christian is one lucky fella
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