to prepare for my most recent business trip to dallas, TX i had to go to the store and purchase a mini tube of toothpaste. while driving to the store, i came to the conclusion that the airlines and the toothpaste companies have some sort of conspiracy going on. think about it - if you are going to carry a bag on when jumping on a plane to head out of town (which, might i add, is your best option, because it now costs $15 to check a bag - UNBELIEVABLE!). then, you NEED to purchase mini toothpaste. since liquids need to be in 3 oz. or smaller containers many of our personal favorite toiletry items can be transfered into your own special, smaller containers to take on the plane. however, toothpaste is not something that is easily transfered from a large to a small container. hence, the need to purchase mini tubes of toothpaste. the average cost of a normal size tube of paste costs anywhere from $3 - $5. the mini tubes, which are at least 1/8 the size of a normal tube cost about $.97. ounce for ounce, the mini toothpaste is kind of like gold. do you see where i am going with this? if you travel much, a lot of money is being spent on mini tubes of your favorite teeth cleaner. the thing is, toothpaste is something i refuse to go without on a trip. my parents spent a lot of money on braces for this killer smile of mine and i won't let this consipirarcy ruin that. the conspiracy of the toothpaste companies and the airlines will continue, and it seems, i will spend hundreds of thousands on mini tubes of paste.
AMEN sister! A-Freakin-Men!
stacie, you REALLY are the best commenter in the world!
you'd think with the oil price plummet, they'd knock it off with all the extra fees. i refuse to fly based on that principle alone. oh, and i have no money.
I just solve this problem by refusing to brush my teeth. Problem solved. :)
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