Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new - the day

dun, dun, dun...the saga continues. new year's day i reverted back to a child again. exploring in an old cabin, eating pull-a-parts in the morning (i usually only get to enjoy the luxury of these things on easter and christmas!), and sledding two miles down the road back to our cars. i honestly felt like i reverted back 20 years as i raced down the road on my sled. what a dream come true! if i didn't think the day could get any better, it did...

family...isn't it about time? the only thing that had been missing about my "new" experience was my family. i had the luxury of spending time with the family. thanks, mom! you are the best. my mom is continually thinking of and planning fun things for us all to do together. with all of our different schedules and a plethera of personalities, she never gives up on us. (just for your information, i wore the brown hat and matching brown boots mom gave me for christmas, along with my "new" coat from the d.i. because my mom mentioned that she thought they would all match really well. it was a tribute of sorts, and, of course, mom noticed...) on new year's day we had a christmas miracle - the whole, entire, eight person family was able to spend at least 4 consecutive hours together. dinner and christmas lights at the ogden christmas village was the event at hand. i loved just soaking in the goodness of every single person there. i'd like to just give a quick shout out to dad, mom, ryan, rachel, lance, spencer, and jack - the people i love most and, might i take the liberty of saying, love me the most too.

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